2010年三月十九日,英特尔与民政部举办的芯世界公益创新大赛,公布了30名入围者名单。http://gongyi.sohu.com/20100319/n270956506.shtml。 中国公益2.0项目有四个组织捷报: NGOCN, 拯救民勤、中山大学公民社会发展中心、陕西妇女研究会。
On March 19, 2010, four grassroots organizations – affiliates of the NGO2.0 China Project – was chosen as semi-finalists for the Intel sponsored ICT Innovation Contest for Chinese NGOs. They are NGOCN.org, Rescure Minqin, Shaanxi Women Research Institute, and the Institute of Citizen and Social Development of Sun Yat-sen University.