2009年十月,美国麻省理工学院中文组张锦老师、蔡庆红老师以及二年级中文课快班学生参加NGO2.0 翻译志愿者团队、协助参加NGO2.0项目的草根公益组织翻译各组织的简介。
Jin Zhang, the Coordinator of Chinese Program at MIT, with help from Qinghong Cai, began working with students in 21F.109 Chinese III (Streamlined) to translate the introductory materials for grassroots NGOs. By joining the NGO2.0 translating team, Teacher Zhang, Teacher Cai, and their students now work as volunteers for MIT New Media Action Lab (NMAL) and for the NGO 2.0 Project initiated by NMAL.